Monday, April 9, 2007

FujiFinepix s5600 Tutorial - Using Area Focus Mode with FujiFinepix s5600 cameraAF - AREA

If you are taking a series of photographs where you want the camera AF to be off-center then consider using the AF-AREA funciton of the FujiFinepix s5600/s5200 camera. You can now move the little crosshair to focus on the focal point (in this photo the bud of a cactus) but in other photos I place the AF - AREA to the sky or a darker part of the photo to reduce blown out skies or overblown highlights.

If you are wanting to add bokkeh or depth of field to a photo it often helps to focus on something close to the camera and slightly zoom in or focus on something in the background, leaving the foreground slightly out of focus.

More tutorials at

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