Monday, April 9, 2007

FujiFinepix s5600 Tutorial - Using Area Focus Mode with FujiFinepix s5600 camera - AF - CENTER

Using Area Focus Mode to create DOF with FujiFinepix s5600 camera. In this image CENTER AF is set. The camera will focus on what is in the center of the screen. You can adjust this by moving the camera to focus on what you want to be the focus and then half-pressing the button to lock the focus and then moving the camera to frame your subject properly then press the button all the way down. An easier way to do this is with the AF - Area Focus (next image)

If you are wanting to add bokkeh or depth of field to a photo it often helps to focus on something close to the camera and slightly zoom in or focus on something in the background, leaving the foreground slightly out of focus.

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